Stronger Philanthropy has focused in the past on helping its clients to love giving well. But as our group has evolved over the past few years, we’ve realized that the ‘love giving well’ tagline doesn’t encompass all that we want to achieve. Increasingly Stronger Philanthropy finds itself located in the middle ground between major donors and charity leaders, acting as a bridge or a networker. As we speak to both groups, we needed a message that reached across that divide.
With this new focus we needed a new tagline: Transformed by Generosity.
For major donors, the opportunity exists to be changed by their own generosity, as well as the generosity of relationship and richer life they experience when they engage with charities and a world in distress. For charities, the financial support offers a measure of practical transformation through generosity, but encountering major donors as advocates, friends, and trusted advisors also brings transformative power.
Stronger Philanthropy exists to bring major donors and charity leaders together in a shared journey for transformation. Join our Community and find out how.